Our guest blog has been written by the wonderful and talented Sammy at Happy Hearts First Aid Training:
Warning: there is a pretty nasty statistic coming your way...
In the UK, thirty babies and toddlers go to hospital each day with a scald caused by a hot drink. Did reading that make you cringe a little? Maybe even a lot? For me - a mum who had three kids in three and a half years - reading that scary stat sends a shiver right down my spine.
I’m a former nurse, and now a first aid trainer. I know that talking about this type of stuff is confronting, and scary. But unfortunately, accidents can happen. And the most common location for these injuries to occur is within our own homes.
As mums, it’s important that we replace the fears with facts. We have to be prepared, so that if something was to happen, we know what to do. So stay with me for the next minute or so and learn exactly how to manage a burn (good first aid makes a massive difference). And, super importantly, we will talk about what you can do to avoid one from happening in the first place. It is, after all, National Burns Awareness Day today, so it seems like the perfect opportunity.
There is an easy way to remember what to do if someone receives a burn or scald- it’s “The 3 C’s”.
We need to Cool, Call, and Cover.
Cool. The affected area needs to be placed under cool water for 20 minutes. 20 minutes?! It will feel like forever. But this is just so important, as it will stop the burning process. You will have removed all clothing/ jewellery/ nappy in the surrounding area (unless it is stuck to the skin). And, you are an awesome mum, so you will have wrapped a blankie around the rest of your bub to keep them nice and warm.
Call. As a general rule, any burn bigger that a 50p coin will need medical review. 111 is a fantastic resource- you can describe the burn to them and be advised of the next best steps. Don’t hesitate to call for help- trust your instincts, and always err on the side of caution.
Cover. You’ve cooled the burn down, you’ve called for help, now it’s time to cover the wound. This will help to decrease pain and the risk of infection. Some cling film from the kitchen is the perfect thing to use- it’s see through, it’s convenient to grab, and it doesn’t cause any pain when it is taken off. Make sure you cover it over nice and loosely, don’t wrap it up tight.
There is some great news. You definitely can still have your hot tea, Mama… goodness knows you need it! Here are some preventative tips (that you are probably already doing):
- Place hot drinks at the back of the kitchen surface
- Avoid carrying hot drinks when you are carrying your little one
- Use a Keep Cup when on-the-go
- Don’t pass hot drinks over the heads of children
- Remind visitors of these things!
Maybe these tips are a useful reminder for grandma? And please do share this information with anyone you think might find it helpful.
If you fancy more friendly first aid tips, come and give me a follow on Instagram @happyheartsfirstaid or reach out via email