Head Start No-jito

Mojito's are surely one of the top five cocktails to enjoy when on a night out..? They are minty, zingy and ever so slightly sweet with a crunch of brown sugar.
So if it is a weeknight, or you are looking to cut out alcohol, this mocktail is a great alternative to a rum based drink.
Our Head Start tea is a delicately floral, uplifting tea. This gives the mocktail a subtle botanical depth of flavour, which is complemented by the sharpness of the lime, and fresh mint.
To make two tall glasses
2 Head Start tea bags
300ml, 80 degree water
1 lime
Handful of mint
2 tsp brown sugar
Soda water
- Put the Head Start tea bags in a jug and pour over the *80 degree water.
- Brew for 10 mins
- Remove the tea bags and allow to cool
- Half fill the glasses with ice
- Add the mint, brown sugar, and the juice of half a lime into each glass
- Muddle the ingredients together until some of the sugar has dissolved into the lime
- Pour equal amounts of the cooled tea into the glasses, and top up with soda water
* 80 degree water - boil your kettle and leave to cool for 5 mins with the lid open. Boiling water can make Head Start taste bitter, and lessen the subtle rose flavour.