Power pumping to help your breastfeeding journey

How to Power Pump and Boost Your Milk Supply
If you’re breastfeeding or pumping and feeling like your supply could do with a little extra boost, power pumping might just be your new best friend. The idea is simple but effective: power pumping helps to trick your body into producing more milk by mimicking your baby’s natural “cluster feeding” behaviour. When your baby cluster feeds, they hop on and off the breast frequently to signal your body to make more milk. Power pumping follows the same principle but with a pump instead of your baby.
It’s important to note that power pumping isn’t meant to replace your regular pumping routine. Instead, it’s a clever tool to use when you feel like your milk supply could use a little kickstart.
How to Power Pump
First things first, carve out an hour in your day when you can pump without interruptions. If you can, aim to do this in the morning, as that’s when many women find their milk supply is naturally at its highest. Once you’ve got your hour, follow this power pumping pattern:
- Pump for 20 minutes, then rest for 10 minutes
- Pump for 10 minutes, then rest for another 10 minutes
- Pump for 10 more minutes
And that’s it! For the rest of the day, simply stick to your regular pumping routine. Ideally, this should mirror your baby’s feeding schedule (if you’re apart) or align with how often you’d usually pump. For example, you might pump for 15 minutes every 3 hours.
Make sure you nourish your body with lots of food and hydrate. You need an extra 300 calories per day minimum when breastfeeding, and a total of 2.5 litres - 3 litres of water. Our lactation tea and brewer's yeast hot chocolate (this one is only available in the UK - sorry!) can help support you with this.
Why Try Power Pumping?
Power pumping is a great option if you’re concerned about your milk supply and want to give it a boost. But before diving in, it’s always worth checking in with a healthcare professional or lactation consultant. Many mums worry about low supply when, in reality, they’re producing plenty of milk for their little one. An International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC - find a consultant here, ) can help you figure out whether supply is truly an issue and if power pumping is the right approach for you.
When Will You See Results?
Most mums only need to power pump for 2-3 days to notice a difference in their milk supply. Once you see an improvement, you can return to your normal pumping routine and save power pumping for whenever you feel like your supply needs another gentle nudge. It's not forever!
Power pumping can feel like a lot of work in the moment, but it’s a short-term commitment with big potential rewards. And remember, you’re doing an amazing job. Whether you’re pumping, breastfeeding, or formula feeding, your baby is lucky to have you!
Final Tip: While power pumping, stay hydrated, grab a snack, and try to relax. A cozy cup of tea or hot chocolate (or both - check out our Brews For Breastfeeding Set!) can be the perfect companion to keep you feeling calm and supported during your session. You’ve got this!