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Why you should avoid flavourings in tea - even 'natural' ones
5 days ago
We are committed to using real, natural and organic ingredients in our blends – never flavourings, even 'natural' ones. Here's why...

HotTea Mama Hot Chocolates
Discover HotTea Mama's new range of hot chocolates with ashwagandha and brewers yeast

The Benefits of Cacao For Women's Wellness
Cacao is the most fantastic ingredient, known for both it's flavour and health benefits. It has ...

How To Naturally Manage Rage
You're not alone in feeling rage - here are some tips on how to handle it.

Why is raspberry leaf tea known as 'the women's herb'?
Wondering why raspberry leaf is known as 'the women's herb'? Here's how it can support periods, pregnancy and perimenopause, as the ultimate uterine tonic.

Do Menopause symptoms change from day to night?
Menopause symptoms can change from day to night. Symptoms fluctuate because of hor...

Am I in Perimenopause?
Perimenopause means "around menopause" and refers to the time during which your body makes the na...

How many cups of tea can I drink when....?
A question that we often get asked is 'How many cups of tea can I drink when...' here is our guid...

Am I too young to be in menopause?
Menopause before the age of 45 is considered to be early or premature menopause. This early or sp...

3 Reasons Your Green Tea Doesn't Taste Good (and why it doesn't need to)
Green tea is full of anti-oxidants, low in caffeine and reputed to have a huge number of health benefits. It's not surprising that many people drink it purely for wellness reasons, but it can be delicious.
Here are the top reasons it might not be tasting good for you, and what you can do about it...

Berry Boost Porridge
During Menopause eating the right meal in the morning can set you up with the energy that will ke...

Yoga to support the symptoms of Menopause
Regular yoga practice can help alleviate some of the common physical and emotional symptoms exper...

Herbs To Help Heartburn
Certain herbs have traditionally been used to naturally help heartburn. From liquorice root to peppermint, chamomile to ginger root. Depending on your taste and your teapot, there's a tea to help.

How does caffeine affect menopause?
Caffeine can worsen your pelvic floor, hot flushes, sleep and anxiety. Find out why and what alternatives there are.

Periods and perimenopause
The first sign of perimenopause for most is a change in periods. This can be the frequency betwee...

48 Symptoms Of Menopause
Hot flushes are the most common symptom of perimenopause, but there are 47 other symptoms. Everyone will be affected differently, but knowing how your body's hormonal changes will affect your body is important to understand. So read more here!

Menopause Chocolate Bark
Menopausal symptoms are brought on by fluctuating hormones. This chocolate bark is a delicious sn...

How Tea Can Support The Menopause
Find out more about how certain herbs and teas can support you alongside HRT as you go through the menopause.

Menopause Frozen Yoghurt Bark
A delicious, cooling yoghurt bark recipe to support perimenopause and menopause.

Can essential oils be a natural support during perimenopause?
Our guest blog has been written by the wonderful Trudie and Vicky who are the founding partners of The Blend Essential Oils, a new wellness brand producing pure essential oil blends formulated to help provide holistic support for the relief of perimenopause and menopause symptoms.

Women in mid-life: un-diet your life, and your relationship with food
If perimenopause causes weight gain, it can be hard to face and enjoy food. The Menopause Nutritionist, Jenn Salid-Huber, shares her top tips on how to un-diet your relationship with food, to become happier and healthier.

Raspberry leaf tea - its benefits, when to drink, and what it tastes like!
How raspberry leaf tea can support PMS and fertility, pregnancy and menopause.

Take A Pause menopause tea: designed help with perimenopausal symptoms
The herbal magic behind our Take A Pause menopause blend, to support your body with hot flushes, anxiety, insomnia and more...

How herbal teas can reduce stress
Learn more about the herbs and flowers that can support reducing and easing stress.

Dispelling the myths about menopause and HRT
Menopause is ignored, rarely discussed, and often misunderstood. Women need to be able to access accurate information helping them to make decisions about safe reliable treatment - this blog by Teresa Davison aims to give you this.

Menopause Treatment Options
If you're going through peri menopause and post menopause - there are options of treatment that can help you. Teresa Davison of the Somerset Menopause Clinic, shares the different options open to you here.

Menopause Health Advice
Peri menopause and menopause are something that all women will go through, with varying degrees of symptoms. This blog is by the amazing Teresa Davison, of Somerset Menopause Clinic, to explain more about what peri menopause and post menopause mean.

Menopause Iced Tea Instructions
Making our menopause tea iced, couldn't be simpler (or better at easing hot flushes!)