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Ask The Expert - Raspberry Leaf tea - research, benefits & personal experience

Ask The Expert - Raspberry Leaf tea - research, benefits & personal experience

This blog has been written by our Raspberry Leaf expert Midwife Angie (aka @theecomidwife) ...
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Caesarean scar, Caesarean recovery tips

Caesarean recovery tips

After you have had a caesarean or abdominal birth, when you get home it is important to give your...
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5 things to help improve PCOS symptoms

5 things that can help to improve PCOS symptoms

PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. It is a health condition that affects 7 - 13% of women...
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Lauren drinking Morning Rescue Pimms mocktail

Lemon & Ginger Pimms mocktail

Pimms is a quintessential British summertime drink. If you are looking to cut down on alcohol, or...
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Bethan drinking a Get Up & Glow inspired Hibiscus Daiquiri

Hibiscus Daiquiri

We created this cocktail to celebrate World Daiquiri day. The hibiscus in our Get Up & Glow t...
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Natural ways to support fertility

Natural ways to support fertility

Eating a nutritious diet and making positive lifestyle changes can help boost fertility and prepa...
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How being eco-conscious can improve your fertility (yes, really!)

How being eco-conscious can improve your fertility (yes, really!)

From a quick Google, you’ve probably found that by eating a healthy diet and exercising, you can try and naturally boost your fertility. But did you know that making eco-conscious changes to the products you use can also help improve your fertility?
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Benefits of Yoga during pregnancy

Yoga Benefits During Pregnancy

Yoga can provide numerous benefits when you are pregnant. The gentle movement and breathing techn...
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Yoga to support the symptoms of Menopause

Yoga to support the symptoms of Menopause

Regular yoga practice can help alleviate some of the common physical and emotional symptoms exper...
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Yoga poses for PMS

Yoga to support Period and PMS symptoms

The act of moving your body gently, breathing and stretching can help to ease the symptoms of PMS...
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Blue box of Morning Rescue Herbal Tea next to a cup of tea

Acid reflux and heartburn in pregnancy - and what to do about it

Acid reflux and heartburn can kick in during pregnancy, find out more about why and what you can do to naturally combat and relieve them.  No gaviscon included.
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Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus and Blood Pressure

Hibiscus has been traditionally used in various cultures for its medicinal properties, including ...
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Why I avoid the word ' plan ' when talking about birth

Why I avoid the word ' plan ' when talking about birth

choose to call them preferences so that there are no unrealistic expectations of
what can or cannot be controlled. The word plan possesses very final and definite
connotations which unfortunately do not go hand in hand with labour and birth.
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Why you period can affect your poo

Why does my period affect my Poo?

So-called ‘period poo’ is a common symptom of your monthly cycle, but is seldom spoken about, eve...
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Tea cup and saucer, with a brewed cup of whole leaf tea in it and pack of tea next to it

Herbs To Help Heartburn

Certain herbs have traditionally been used to naturally help heartburn.  From liquorice root to peppermint, chamomile to ginger root.  Depending on your taste and your teapot, there's a tea to help.
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HotTea Mama Simple Lactation Granola, natural ingredients to support a healthy milk supply during breastfeeding

Lactation Support Granola

Healthy granola recipe containing nutritious ingredients to support a healthy milk supply
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World Hypertension Day

World Hypertension Day

World Hypertension Day takes place every year on May 17th to raise awareness about Hypertension (...
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International Day of the Midwife

International Day of the Midwife

Being a midwife is both the most wonderful and amazing vocation to be part of: but also arguably ...
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6 Ways to improve your Pelvic Floor

6 Ways to improve your Pelvic Floor

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that supports the organs in the pelvis, including the blad...
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The 3 stages of labour

Cervix Dilation - The 3 stages of labour

There are three stages of labour - latent, active and delivery. During labour a woman's cervix di...
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Caesarean Awareness Month

Caesarean Awareness Month

April is Caesarean Awareness month. 1 in 5 babies are born abdominaly in the UK, and the majority...
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The Mental Load

The Mental Load

Whilst becoming a parent is one of the most amazing and rewarding experiences you can have, no on...
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Bethan enjoying Milk's Up tea & lactation pancakes

Milk's Up Lactation Pancakes

Who doesn't enjoy pancakes for breakfast..?! This recipe for lactation pancakes contains only 6 s...
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Cup of night owl chamomile tea held by a lady with legs crossed, next to pregnant belly

Is Chamomile Tea Safe To Drink In Pregnancy?

Chamomile tea is generally considered safe to drink during pregnancy - in moderation. Variety i...
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Chocolate and Beetroot Endometriosis Muffins

Chocolate and Beetroot Endometriosis Muffins

Try our delicious beetroot and chocolate muffins to support endometriosis symptoms.
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Endometriosis Symptoms infographic

Endometriosis Awareness Month

March is Endometriosis awareness month.  Endometriosis is the second most common gynaecological c...
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Mother's Day Fudge

Mother's Day Biscoff Fudge

With Mother's day approaching, what could be better to show the love for the mother figure in you...
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How does caffeine affect menopause?

How does caffeine affect menopause?

Caffeine can worsen your pelvic floor, hot flushes, sleep and anxiety.  Find out why and what alternatives there are.
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Mother and Baby group

Finding support as a new mum

Becoming a mum can be the most amazing thing in the world. But it is also the hardest and most ch...
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Colourful Beginnings

Colourful Beginnings

We are proud to partner with Colourful Beginnings, a charity that supports families with prematur...
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Periods and breastfeeding

Periods and breastfeeding

The average time for periods to return with breastfeeding is one year postpartum, but many mums f...
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Periods and perimenopause

Periods and perimenopause

The first sign of perimenopause for most is a change in periods. This can be the frequency betwee...
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World Breast Pumping Day

World Breast Pumping Day

It’s an area often overlooked in the UK in terms of antenatal education and support, but in th...
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Easy Vegan Swaps

Easy Vegan Swaps

Going vegan can be a great way to improve your health, reduce your environmental impact, and even...
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Head Start No-jito

Head Start No-jito

Mojito's are surely one of the top five cocktails to enjoy when on a night out..? They are minty,...
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Get Up & Glow Reviver

Get Up & Glow Reviver

This mocktail is fruity, botanical, tart and refreshing. It is the ideal drink for a celebration ...
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